I just passed a man selling the Big Issue magazine outside my local Tesco here in Lymington. “So what Tim,” you might ask?
Well, the guy was talking loudly on a phone, hands free, so he attracted attention whether you or he liked it or not. The killer was that he unashamedly stood there cutting his nails with a nail clipper!!!
Yes, that’s right, he was attempting to sell magazines whilst simultaneously chopping parts off his body and allowing them to fall onto the pavement. Who the hell was going to approach him and interrupt that type of public self-grooming operation? He won’t be forgotten in a hurry, no doubt about that.
So, I love the rule about breaking out of obscurity and attracting attention for your business BUT only for the right reasons and in a positive way. This was clearly bad news, not just for the individual involved, but for the entire Big Issue operation and other magazine sales colleagues of his. They’d just love to hear about this I’m sure.
But let’s make some good come out of this. Let his error of judgement make a difference for you in a good way. What are you doing today to make a difference in getting yourself noticed?
There’s absolutely no need to stand outside your local supermarket and make loud phone calls whilst cleaning your ears with a cotton bud or flossing your teeth. Here’s nine ideas:
1. Make 2 phone calls to people that do not expect to hear from you
2. Send 6 emails to people who don’t expect to hear from you
3. Sent 3 text messages to people…..
4. Drop in to someone’s office when passing but make it unannounced
5. Drop in to someone’s office when passing but make it unannounced and take a gift, like a business book [try this www.myusp.biz/book]
6. Write and post a letter to someone you wish to move the relationship forward with
7. Write and post a letter to someone you wish to move the relationship forward with and include a lumpy item so make it more interesting
8. Send a postcard [design and print your own or buy something sily
9. Send a greetings card [design and print your own or buy something silly]
10. Facebook message someone or post something on their Wall. Use an image to do this.
11. Tweet someone and use an image
12. Message an individual on LinkedIn
13. Send a message through someone’s website Contact Us page
14. Send a video email through the eyejot app on your smartphone
15. Get someone else in your business to do ANY of the above so a different person makes a connection
Just get yourself noticed and do something small to increase the chances of your prospects and clients talking about you. That’s all you need to do, get yourself talked about.
Good luck and let me know what you get up to.
Tim Coe
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